SEcundary education
Aims and findings of study A in secondary education
Analysis of catch-up and support programmes
The first study will start with a document analysis of the applications for catch up and suppor programmes submitted by schools in round 2. We will categorise the funded programmes (if the relevant information was provided on the application) according to type of intervention (extended school day, autumn school, etc.) and effective elements, as identified in our earlier literature review. These elements are:
- number of hours (both intensity per day/week and duration in weeks) per student;
- cooperation with parents;
incentives to guarantee participation (especially for voluntary summer schools, after-school programmes and weekend programmes); - programme content and structure;
qualifications and relevant training of the tutors; - group size;
- relevance to the regular curriculum and classroom instruction.
This will result in an overview of the programmes, which we will use in sub-studies B to D. We will then examine why schools aim to implement these programmes, the intended target group and objective, and the context within which they expect the programmes to have an effect; in other words, the theory of change of the funded catch-up and support programmes.
This theory of change will further be described through semi-structured telephone interviews and a short online questionnaire with a stratified sample of 100 schools (based on intervention type, objective, target group, weighted student funding percentage, school type and geographical distribution and including all schools in the Caribbean region). In these interviews, we will ask the interviewee to describe the expected effective elements, and how they are ensuring participating of target students in the programme. Successful strategies will be shared with other schools in our first webinar (see knowledge utilisation).
Other studies in secundary education
Study B
Quantitative analysis of effectiveness
A quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of the programmes in terms of cognitive learning outcomes using data from the learning management systems (LMS).
Study C
Qualitative case studies
An analysis of implementation of the programmes (effective elements and theory of change) in a sample of 30 schools and sharing good practice of other schools
Study D
Quantitative evaluation of social-emotional development
An online questionnaire for pupils to measure the effects of the programmes in terms of well-being, confidence and social competences.
Throughout the research, we will work closely together with schools and other sector partners (Council for Primary Education, Dutch Inspectorate of Education, Ministry of Education) to share our research findings – where possible during implementation of the programmes. You can read the results of the studies here.
Proposal NRO
Would you like to view a copy of the research proposal (in Dutch) for these studies? Download it here.
Do you have any questions about the research? Contact us for a general questions or ask the research team.
Are you interested in what other schools/centres are doing? We are sharing the best examples.
Would you like to read about similar research in other schools and centres? All our research is shown here.