Effectiveness of catch-up programmes
Catch-up programmes to repair learning loss, how effective are they? Universities of Amsterdam and Maastricht are looking for answers in a joint research.
Study on the effectiveness of catch-up programmes to repair learning loss in the Netherlands
Researchers from research institute LEARN! (VU University Amsterdam) and Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) (Maastricht University) are investigating the effectiveness of catch-up programmes which are or will be implemented in early childhood day care centres, primary and secondary schools.
This research is commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Dutch research council (NRO). The research includes four sub-studies and will be implemented between October 2020 to September 2022.
What are the effects on cognitive learning performances of participating students?
What are the effects on social-emotional development, such as well-being, self-confidence and social competences?
What are, according to schools, the effective elements in the programmes?
Which good practices could be extracted for other educational institutions?
More information on our three studies
Study ECE
Information about the rsearch design of the study on effectiveness of catch-up and support programs in early childhood education (ECE).
Study PE
Information about the rsearch design of the study on effectiveness of catch-up and support programs in primary education (PE).
Study SE
Information about the rsearch design of the study on effectiveness of catch-up and support programs in secondary education (SE).
Proposal NRO
Would you like to view a copy of the research proposal (in Dutch) for these studies? Download it here.
Do you have any questions about the research? Contact us for a general questions or ask the research team.
Are you interested in what other schools/centres are doing? We are sharing the best examples.
Would you like to read about similar research in other schools and centres? All our research is shown here.